#17 Unraveling the Devastation of Hate

Season #1

We are on this earth to enjoy love, be happy and create meaningful relationships. In this space we feel safe, connected and valued. To do that we must be able to communicate and not guard our souls. We are more successful at this when we cultivate a curiosity to understand how people think, feel and behave. This alone will jumpstart your self-awareness. A lack of awareness of how you and others think, feel and behave will result in failed relationships. When we are uncomfortable with ourselves, resentment and hate can grow. Insecurity breeds anger, fear and injury. Insecure people feel others threaten them. If the insecure person doesn’t know how to heal their feelings of unworthiness, it can turn to hate. Hate for feeling uncomfortable. Hate for their uncertainty. Hate for feeling left out. Hate for feeling dismissed. Hate for feeling not good enough. Insecurity can bleed hate like a hemorrhage. Hate isn’t mutually exclusive. If you hate others, you hate yourself for something too. In this episode we undo hate for better peace, success and relationships. Get free career tools at www.MaryLeeGannon.com


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