Epoch Discovery Coaching

Hi there! I'm Mary Lee Gannon, ACC

I show professionals in their 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s how to position your unique exceptional natural ability to be relevant in your career, connected in your relationships and reorient to life beyond your previous role. You may get promoted or retire to something even more fun!  



The How to Be Content in Retirement Checklist


Discovery Coaching

Hi there!

I'm Mary Lee Gannon

This is where I show professionals in their 50s, 60s and 70s how to position your unique genius to be strong in your career, connected in your relationships and reorient to life beyond your corporate role. 

Sign Up for an Epoch 2 Discovery Call

How will I transition into the next phase of life?

One of the hardest things about moving from corporate leadership to a new career or retirement is reorientation. This is when you start asking the hard questions, relearning what does and doesn't work for you, so you can get the most out of this new phase of your life. Ideally, you start this process years before you get there. You get your personal, emotional, geographical and financial plans in sync. Yet, even for those who plan well for their 50s, 60s and 70s, and find a new role or start a business, easing into this next phase of life can be scary and disappointing once you get there. That’s where I help. I show you how to move past the impediments to your fulfillment and build the heart centered life you want. 

Your identity is not tied to your previous role. It is tied to your core. Let’s rediscover what is there.

Click here for the:

How to Be Content in Retirement? Checklist


It's a 3 Step Process!

1. Reorientation

Unravel the tension of transition. It is not all about finances.

See how your values and beliefs influence your decisions.

Take back power over assumptions that don't serve you so you can activate personal practices that do.

You may retire or you may find a new role.

2. Identity

Let go of the image you have of yourself in previous roles so you can discover who you are in any situation.

Recognize family dynamics and their effect.

Draw healthy boundaries around your time and newly discovered interests.

You get really excited about the possibilities!

3. Ideal Day

Not sure what that looks like?  No problem. By the time you are in the third step you will.

There are no limits to your Ideal Day. You could pursue a new career role with your transferable skills, volunteer, travel, start a creative project, sing, dance, or something you haven't even thought of yet. (Yes!)

Ease has come your way.

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!

Click here to check out the testimonials of people I've helped.
I'm Ready to Get Started Right Now!

Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE

Executive Coach

I show productive people who are approaching or in retirement how to discover their specific purpose in this Epoch phase of their life so they can live happier lives and enjoy better relationships with the people who matter. Your identity is not tied to your previous role. It is tied to your core. Let’s rediscover what is there. 

Background: I am a 19-Year CEO and ICF Certified Coach: I have a unique perspective as a 19-year CEO in corporate America and coaching leaders to happiness and well-being. I am an International Coach Federation Certified Coach (ACC) , a Certified Professional Coach by Duquesne University (PC), a Certified Association Executive (CAE). 

Personal Turnaround: My personal turnaround came as a stay-at-home mother with four children under seven-years-old when we endured a divorce that took us from the country club life to public assistance from where I re-invented my life to the C-Suite to support my family. 

Well-being: I am a graduate of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Practices Program and the Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital Coaching in Medicine & Leadership Conference, a scholarship recipient of the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute at Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership created at Google, and have authored two books: Reinvent You – From Welfare to CEO and Starting Over. 

Awards/Recognition: I  have had the privilege to receive the following honors: The Honorary Woman of Courage Award by Pennsylvania Women Work, The Lifetime Achievement Award by Pittsburgh Society of Association Executives, The Women of Integrity Award by Pittsburgh Professional Women, The Leading Lady Award by Oakland Catholic, WHIRL Magazine's Women in Business Award, Influential Leader Award by Pittsburgh Professional Women. 

I've walked the talk.

Set Up an Epoch Consultation Call

What does EPOCH Discovery Coaching Include?

This is where you position your unique genius to be relevant in your career, connected in your relationships and learn to reorient to life beyond your corporate role for a satisfied heart-centered life. The three step process is 1) Reorientation, 2) Identity and 3) Ideal Day.

The program includes:

  • Lifetime access to all materials
  • It begins with an Intake Assessment and Evaluation
  • 6 One-hour One-on-one Coaching Sessions over three months
  • 3 Discovery Workbooks (1) Reorientation, 2) Identity and 3) Ideal Day)
  • 9 Focused Online Trainings 
  • A Yearly Life Planning Tool
  • A Flow-on-the-Go Guide Planner
  • BONUS: Unlimited email access for three months to Executive Coach Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE
  • $2,900 all in.
I am ready to get started right now!

Reasons to Hire Peole Over 40 > They...


  • Handle different personalities well because they’ve dealt with it before
  • Navigate economic downturns
  • Solve an array of problems
  • Manage different projects at the same time
  • Teach themselves and learn new technologies
  • Strategic think based on an array of experience
  • Work cross-functionally on various teams
  • Have experience across multiple disciplines
  • Have worked in various cultures
  • Adapt to change
  • Have experience dealing with many generations
  • Get things done with little oversight
  • Reflect and learn from past mistakes
  • Rebound from failure
  • Have in-depth industry experience
  • Are confident to drive change
  • Are Informed decision makers
  • Have adaptive and extensive leadership skills
  • Listen more than they talk
  • Are effective conversation starters
  • Can build consensus
  • Have emotional intelligence
  • Know how to build relationships
  • Have witnessed the effect of long-term planning results
  • Know retention strategies
  • Transfer knowledge
  • Identify patterns because they’ve seen them before
  • Mentor
  • Have high emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills
  • Have many transferable skills
  • Decision make with confidence
  • Are resourceful
  • Have a strong network
  • Are self-aware
  • Build cohesive teams because they understand uniqueness
  • Share insight on analyzed trends
  • Collaborate
  • Negotiate
  • Have a skill stack that has breath and depth
  • Are excited to work
  • Are resilient
  • Have emotional maturity
  • Are wise

Set up a call with Mary Lee so you can see what will happen.

Set Up a Call with Mary Lee