SPECIAL EPISODE: #55 Executive Coach Mary Lee Gannon is interviewed by former Nuclear Submarine Officer and President of Peak Demand Jon Rennie

Season #1

#55 Executive Coach Mary Lee Gannon is interviewed by former Nuclear Submarine Officer and president of Peak Demand Jon Rennie on leadership styles, executive presence, emotional intelligence, and advancing in your career. Much of leadership is understanding how to lead others. None of that works if we don’t know how to manage ourselves – our doubt, assumptions, expectations, temper, ego, disappointment, fears. In this episode we talk about my story and how I was able to get my first C-suite role. We discuss what to do when you feel stressed, how to manage yourself when you feel small within a group of talented peers, how to self-regulate fear when it becomes an interloper to strategic execution. If you are truly ready to move forward in your career and life, apply to work with Mary Lee and set up a consultation call to answer your questions so that you can get started. Go to www.MaryLeeGannon.com/Consultation


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