The Still Space Podcast

The Still Space Podcast

Hosted by: Mary Lee Gannon

The Still Space Podcast is where Executive Coach Mary Lee Gannon and her guests share fun and simple strategies to manage yourself so that you can show up the way you want in work, relationships and life and not...


#97 Revisiting Your Favorite Things

Season #1

It is so easy to get caught up in the routines of life so much so that we forget why we work, why we have families or like spending time with people we care about and what we used to love to do. In this episode we...
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#96 When You See Someone You Want to be Like and You Can’t Get There

Season #1

In this episode we talk about witnessing a situation, admiring how someone handled it, wondering why you didn’t have the same presence, and the six steps to get there. For more career and self-regulation resources go...
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#95 How the Stories of Our Youth Shape Who We Are Today

Season #1

There is a difference between an experience and a story. An experience is the unedited account of what happens as you witness it and the feelings associated with how that experience made you feel. The stories are the...
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#94 When It's Time to Leave

Season #1

There are signs that we sometimes miss or ignore when we know it is time to make a break from something that doesn’t serve us. That could be a job, romantic relationship, living situation, friendship, group you’ve...
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#93 The Stress of Transitions and How to Remedy It

Season #1

Transitions can be stressful – a move, divorce, marriage, relocation, promotion, loss of a loved one, selling a house, a layoff, termination, company reorganization and much more. In this episode we talk about what to...
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#92 The Seduction of Power – What About it is Really Good to Have

Season #1

Money is something that many people crave. They kid themselves into thinking it buys them time. To a certain extent that is true. But something that can give an even greater high for some people than money is power....
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#91 When Asking for Permission Doesn’t Feel Right

Season #1

If you feel you need to ask for permission for something regarding your work, you may be stuck in a loop of feeling undervalued. In this episode we discuss where this feeling came from and what to do to position...
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#90 Being Right Versus Getting it Right

Season #1

Many conflicts at work and in your personal life stem from the need to be right. In this episode we dissect the meaning behind that feeling and how to be more aligned and effective in your leadership. For more free...
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#89 How a Year in Review of Your Career and Life Helps You Change Course Part 2

Season #1

Would you go on a trip to a place you’ve never been before without a map? Not likely. Yet we start new years, career roles, jobs, relationships, and more blindly without the tools to make our time and energy...
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#88 How a Year in Review of Your Career and Life Helps You Change Course Part 1

Season #1

Would you go on a trip to a place you’ve never been before without a map? Not likely. Yet we start new years, career roles, jobs, relationships, and more blindly without the tools to make our time and energy...
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#87 Why I Am Moving

Season #1

In this episode I share the story behind why I am moving and what I discovered in the process. For more career and life tools and to learn more about CAREER/ LIFE Coaching or EPOCH Discovery Coaching go to...
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#86 When You Are Up Against a Bully

Season #1

Many of my clients encounter strong willed leaders and interacting with them takes great presence. But, when the other party steps over the line of appropriateness and leaves you feeling disrespected, disregarded and...
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