The Still Space Podcast

The Still Space Podcast

Hosted by: Mary Lee Gannon

The Still Space Podcast is where Executive Coach Mary Lee Gannon and her guests share fun and simple strategies to manage yourself so that you can show up the way you want in work, relationships and life and not...


#109 The Most Important Letter You’ll Ever Write

Season #1

Most people would not argue that letter writing has lost ground in the world of both private and business communications. The modus operandi of choice is text message, email, social media exchange. Yet, the art of...
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#108 Five Tips for When You Dread a Difficult Conversation with an Employee

Season #1

In this episode we explore how to have a difficult conversation with an employee without it robbing you of your confidence or triggering you into a behavior you regret. For more career and self-regulation resources go...
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#107 How to Keep Your Cool When Someone Threatens You at a Meeting

Season #1

Have you ever been in a high stakes meeting or in a conversation where someone challenges your position and you immediately start to feel the world closing in on you? In this episode we discuss practical techniques...
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#106 Stop Putting Your Dreams on Sale – How to Eliminate Procrastination BONUS – A Mediation to Build Self Control

Season #1

You have decided you want a better job, a better relationship with loved ones, a nicer home, a kind group of friends - the list goes on. Yet you are wise enough to realize that those are just wishes for trappings of...
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#105 Three Ways to Manage Up When You Have a Bad Boss

Season #1

One of the tests of being a leader is knowing how to navigate a boss who doesn’t score highly as a leader themselves. In this episode we talk about how to identify the needs of a bad boss, how to manage yourself in...
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#104 The Dos and Don’ts of Executive Presence When the Pressure is On

Season #1

When you are in that high-stakes meeting, sales presentation, interaction, or conflict your executive presence is both emotional and physiological. Your thoughts race and your heart rate escalates. People watch you....
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#103 Self-Awareness Building Questions to Answer Before the Interview or Before You Lead a New Team

Season #1

Before you spend time preparing to answer difficult interview questions or approach leading a new team, here are some questions to ask yourself. If you can answer these questions you will better be able to position...
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#102 The Five Biggest Mistakes People Make When Looking for a New Job

Season #1

Great candidates for new career roles often aren’t sure how to position their unique value proposition and hinder their own progress with well-intentioned mistakes that cost their advancement from the slush pile of...
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#101 Eight Signs You Have Reached the Glass Ceiling

Season #1

I receive a lot of inquiries from leaders who don’t understand why they haven’t advanced in their careers. Often, they don’t realize the magnitude of being in a stagnant position nor have they interpreted the...
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#100 The Seven Deadly Sins Leaders Commit That Hold Them Back

Season #1

The seven deadly sins is a group of vices within religious teachings that are known as excessive versions of one’s natural aptitudes. Though identified desert fathers in the third century as passions one needed to...
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#99 Top Questions You Ask on the Interview to Raise Eyebrows

Season #1

Interview candidates often worry about how to answer the difficult questions. As a prospective hire, use the interview as an opportunity for you to ask questions that will not only show how your character aligns with...
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#98 10 Tips When You Fear Age Bias in the Workplace

Season #1

In many ways our culture does not value the wisdom of decades of experience and replaces it with less experienced but considered “more progressive” candidates for promotion, hire and executive leadership roles. This...
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