The Two Prevalent Issues in the Workplace Right Now

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2023

I see two prevalent issues in executive leaders right now.

  1️⃣ Leaders aren’t happy with how they’re valued or the work they’re doing so they pitch a pilot project to their boss who agrees to it, or they spend a lot of time working on areas that interest them but aren’t tied to their primary area of responsibility. (Most leaders welcome their direct reports working on areas of interest as long as this does not neglect thier primary responsibility.)

Then during the performance review, they hear they aren’t measuring up.      

Or they get laid off or terminated.      

They get angry because they got approval for what they were working on. Or they’re angry because they worked hard, and it wasn’t recognized.      

2️⃣ Leaders who have repeatedly missed hitting their goals and whose organization has not responded negatively take that as standard operating procedure.      

Then during the performance review, they hear they aren’t measuring up.      

Or they get laid off or terminated.      

They get angry because upper management doesn’t understand how staff and resource reductions affect goals and deadlines. Or they’re angry because nobody said anything about their performance all along.      


βœ… If you choose to do work outside of your goals do it only if your goals are on track to be met.      

βœ… You and only you are responsible for what you are assigned to do.      

βœ… If you aren’t doing it, that will eventually get noticed. Talk with your boss about ways you can address the problem from a fresh perspective. Engage them in the process.      

βœ… If you aren’t happy with what you’re doing, you won’t excel at it.      

βœ… If you’ve tried lots of things and still can’t figure out how to be better and are still unhappy hire a coach to help you figure out how to position your signature strengths and value proposition to bring you fulfillment. You’ll show up differently.      

βœ… It’s not your employer’s job to make you happy. It’s your employer’s job to keep you engaged in a job with meaningful work. Remember - you chose them.      

βœ… If what you are working on is not what you’re measured against you’re working on someone else’s goals or nebulous work.      

βœ… Own your space. Or find a space you want to own. Reassess your core beliefs to understand if there is something about your position that can inspire you.      

If you can see yourself in either of these scenarios let’s change that. Here's a link to my new mini course: Be Seen - Be Heard - Be Paid! Regardless of your Title, Age or Situation.

 The Latest Still Space Podcast: #46 Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Paid, Regardless of Your Title, Age or Situation If you are feeling undervalued at work or in your career, this episode is for you. Mary Lee talks about what is necessary for leaders to excel and what it is like to work with her on that process. If you are ready to move forward, apply to work with Mary Lee and set up a consultation call to answer any questions that you have. Go to

Listen wherever you listen to podcasts or here: Mary Lee’s website     Apple      Spotify 

Your coach,  

Mary Lee 

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.  

Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Find aout more about the people who have worked with Mary Lee.

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