How New SMART Leaders Get the Position, High Level Project, Promotion, and Raise

Within the next 15 years, nearly 15% of the global workforce may need to switch jobs, according to the McKinsey Global Institute. By 2030, 75 million to 375 million workers will change occupation categories; another 400 to 800 million could be displaced by automation and need new jobs entirely. Workers may not have the necessary skills to transition into these roles. As highly repeatable tasks become increasingly automated, soft skills and emotional intelligence — critical thinking, communication, and collaboration — are even more essential.

You are a leader who has already mastered the SMART method of reaching goals that you learned in business school. You know that goals must be: S – Specific, M – Measurable, A – Attainable, R - Relevant and T – Time based. In today’s work environment that is not enough. At a certain level in leadership, everyone is smart, knows how to set goals, experienced and highly capable; those traits are no longer differentiators. You have come to realize that the higher a leader advances in an organization the less supports there are and the more important strength of character, your value proposition and emotional intelligence become to your leadership impact.

I read at least two non-fiction books a week, many of which should have been magazine articles, and have since I reinvented my career years ago. In all the research I've read and all the news I've digested, it is obvious to me that to get noticed you must find your genius and make it work for you.

Yes, employment positions are becoming more automated. People's shopping habits are becoming more automated. And methods of communication are becoming more automated. This presents an opportunity to develop an entirely new set of skills that automation cannot replace. Someone still has to sell the work, close the deals, talk to the customers, lead the team, make customers happy, engage the workforce, strategize and create the plan.

That’s why I write, speak and coach around the principles I created called: New SMART Leaders.

New SMART Leaders are focused on:






Employers know that skill acquisition is easier when these traits are already in place. These five focus areas are not specific to industry, size of company, education, background, or experience. They are the foundation for building your self-awareness and ability to self-regulate no matter what the situation. They are the backbone for engaging healthy relationships, teams and respect. They instill confidence, executive presence and a certainty that draws people to follow and trust you.

It’s your emotional, cognitive and interpersonal skills that matter – not just what you can do but how you do it and who you are in the process. 

Strength of character, and the ability to self-regulate and execute determine whether you inspire others to trust and follow you.

The end result of having refined these five New SMART traits is executive presence, happiness, effectiveness and ease.

Because you follow my blog, I am extending a special one-time invitation to you to join my free closed Facebook Group called New SMART Leaders. This group has my clients in it and is an incubator of ideas!  Expect to receive free tips daily on:

- Professional development strategies

- Life hacks

- Productivity shortcuts

- Inspiring Stories

- Webinars

- Articles

- Books

- Access to exclusive executive coaching wisdom and opportunities to receive One-on-One coaching.

When it comes to transferable skills be sure to work on the 'New SMART Leader' skills listed here and they will carry you into any role as a high performer. Be sure to take advantage of this special invitation and join The New SMART Leaders Facebook Group where my clients and I will be building these skills everyday. Be sure to mark notifications to “SEE ALL” so you don’t miss any tips. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you there!

To YOUR Success and Happiness,

Mary Lee

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