Don't Do This

“Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us, unplayed.” ~Oliver Wendell Homes 

Please don't do this. 

It is essential for the world to hear your voice. Are you "pulling away from conversations, feeling powerless and not good enough" as a new client put it? 

Do you notice the same patterns developing in a current role that showed up in a previous one? 

Do you have trouble avoiding overthinking? 

Have you neglected healthy eating, exercise, sleep and time management habits? 

These challenges are not a life sentence. But they can rob you of executive presence, efficacy, rewarding relationships, and happiness. 

Racing thoughts and turbulent emotions are symptoms of stress, frustration, and the general feeling that nothing is going to change. Most people think that to fix this they just need to do what they always do – work harder. This strategy just compounds the problem. Now not only are things not changing but you are exhausted too. 

YOU have far more power than you think you do. We study so many things in our academic pursuit for knowledge yet nobody teaches us how to deal with the way our minds compare, judge, assume, expect, self-shame and trap us when we don’t know how to unravel the doubt. 

This is my specialty – to listen to what you want, hear what you need and work with you to have the freedom of both. After years of experience as a CEO and as an executive coach I understand the pressures of showing up as a Jedi at work and humanly at home. I’ve risen to the C-Suite myself and know what it takes to get to and excel at the executive management table, in the board room, in the face of bureaucracy, personal agendas, posturing, cynicism, and self-doubt and still be emotionally present at home. I am focused on helping you manage yourself because it is the very thing that holds leaders, executives and anyone who has decided they want a more rewarding life back. 

Wishing you a voice that can walk into any situation – a meeting, presentation, project update, family conversation, relationship discussion, interview – and immediately matter. 

Success is freedom. Not more hours. 

If this resonates with you, here is a link to my Career Survey to see if it make sense to work together. Take the Survey. 

If you want more executive leadership and executive presence tips here’s a link to my FREE report: 31 Success Practices for Leaders in the High Stakes Corporate World  

If you are struggling with uncertainty and feel exhausted and ineffective watch my FREE Training on Three Ways to Move to the Next Level In Your Career Right Now to 1) identify the right role for you, 2) position your transferable skills and 3) create a career portfolio that sells you before you even get an interview. If you don't know where you will be at the end of the year, you are already there. 

Your coach,

Mary Lee

P.S. Feel free to send this link to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.

Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Start witht he Sruvey - Request a free consultation call.

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