It's a Superpower

I have one distinct trait that stands out among everything I do. 

I see people. I see their genius very clearly. And I can get to the root of what is in the way. 

I've had this quality my entire life. It used to get me in trouble because I always asked a lot of questions. It's no surprise that after a long day in my CEO role I ended up coaching in the late afternoons and early evenings.

Sometimes people don't want to go into the dark corners of their lives. I'm fascinated by the dark corners because I know by experience how empty they are and that I can shed light there.  

✅ I see when someone has lost their magic. This is the saddest for me and is when I am especially attentive to someone’s pain. 

✅ I see when people are in their own way. 

✅ I see when ‘business’ has taken the place of acceptance. 

✅ I see a life change when someone shifts from resentment, aloneness, blaming and complaining to confidence, connection and calm. 

You may already be in the top 5% of your peers because you're effective - you've been successful in school and career. Yet you may be overwhelmed, undervalued, detached or passed over.

I help you change things that you don’t like about your career and life by helping you honestly assess where you are now, with all the outside factors (bureaucracy, corporate politics, personal agendas, posturing, drama) and internal factors (doubt, fear, anger, frustration, expectations, disappointment) and create a different outcome right away. 

Every day you have lots of thoughts and feelings, take action on those, and generate results, creating the life you are presently living. If we change just one of these things - the way you think about and approach your day, your career, the people in your life, anxiety over the past or the future or right now - the outcome is significantly different.

You lead a career and life by design - not default.

You get valued, hired, promoted, and happy. I know a little about progress. I went quickly from welfare to CEO of a $33 million company after a difficult divorce. And I found love. Success is freedom. Not more hours.


in October I am launching a BRAND NEW group coaching program...The Three Cs: Confidence, Connection and Calm.

PREVIEW: Start the band!!! To give you a peek at what the program will be like I am hosting an ASK THE COACH one-hour free coaching session on THIS MONDAY September 25th at 5:00 pm EST. I’ve not done a live free session before and am really excited to meet you and help you with executive presence, career goals, promotions, interviews, calming strategies, likeability, conflict resolution and more.

WHO IS THIS FOR? Anyone looking for specific feedback on their career, career transition, personal relationships or self-care. They are all connected.

Register now for ASK the COACH. It's just a few days away.


The Latest Still Space Podcast #54 How Do We Get And Keep Happiness? Do you ever wonder what happiness really is? Our “get-more-and-be-more” culture wants you to strive to thrive. Get a little more thin, house, compensation, attractive, young, accessories and you’ll be happy. As if happiness is an acquisition. “Get this and you’ll have that.” In this episode we talk about what happiness really is and how to sustain it in our lives. 

Listen wherever you listen to podcasts or here: Mary Lee’s website     Apple      Spotify 

Your coach,

Mary Lee 

P.S. Read the dozens of testimonials from my clients here

P.S.S. Feel free to forward this email to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.  

Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Request my survey and get my personal review of your situation.


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