One Day You'll Realize

We become our worst critic when things start to go bad. 


✅ What if things weren’t going bad at all?


✅ What if things were just happening on your road to figuring out what right path to take?


✅ What if the way you relate to the difficult things that happen could change?


✅ What if you believed everything you need you already have?


✅ What if you had the courage to let all the drama of discord settle like snow in a snow globe?


✅ What if what you see isn’t anything that you expected?


✅ What if it was a little scary at first and you were ok with that?


💡 What if what used to be chaos is now clarity?


😳 That’s freedom.


You can’t be at your best when you are plagued with fatigue and defeat – when you aren’t fresh, innovative and excited.
I learned this the hard way. As a chief executive I got to a point where I ceased to be willing to subrogate my wellbeing for my career and learned a new way to lead more effectively AND not at the expense of my family. This is what I teach my clients.
If this resonates with you, I created a mini course entitled: Be Seen - Be Heard - Be Paid! How to Get Promoted or Hired at the Executive Level Regardless of Your Title, Age or Situation.

Why this? I created this because many clients come to me who want to know how to stop feeling invisible and finally understand how to position their value proposition for great work and advancement.
I'm giving you this sneak peek into how to transition away from tired habits that undercut your value, to be excited again about your career and to understand what it is like to work with me to help you:
✅ Be respected for great work

✅ Develop executive presence

✅ Advance at the executive level

✅ Prioritize well-being

✅ Have all of this without being so busy you don't connect with the people who matter.
This is for you if you:
☑ Notice you become irritable with or withdraw from people you care about

☑ Binge snack down your disappointments

☑ Can’t sleep well

☑ Aren’t sticking to exercising routines

☑ Have strained relationships

☑ Can become labeled as ‘difficult’ or ‘not executive material’

☑ Aren't at the career level you want to be
I hope you take time for yourself today to give yourself this respite. Click here to go from being undervalued to the must have! 

Your coach,

Mary Lee 

P.S. Feel free to send this link to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.

Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. 




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