Rejection Can Be Debilitating

Rejection can be debilitating. You won’t worry about how other people feel about you if you have the presence to manage yourself and your thoughts. Build a “family” of people around you that consistently reminds you how awesome you are. That tribe combats the doubt that sits idle in your head ready to undercut your self worth at any moment of rejection because you hadn’t heard often enough of your magnificence.

My clients focus a lot on ‘Optimizing Your Environment.’ When you have a tribe that reinforces how you belong like close family you won’t hear “no” as a personal rejection. It just means you’re not a good fit for them and has no bearing on your self worth or your value to the world.
Unfortunately, when we doubt our worth we distance ourselves more from the very intimacy we need with colleagues and people who care. Instead of growing closer to caring people who reinforce us, we don’t trust that we deserve them and grasp for unattainable attention, goals, and expectations while having little of ourselves to give.
Perfectionism takes over healthy vulnerability. Doubt clouds vision. Bad choices take hold. Stagnation crowds out innovation. And we end up stuck.

Who might be a good person to reach out to today to rebuild your tribe?

Many people today are worried about their jobs. I hear it every day. Often more planning goes into a summer vacation than a 40-year career or 90-year life. I am giving away this new executive career planning tool I give to my clients because so many people are suffering with anxiety about the future right now and need direction. Get it here >>> Eight Tip Career Plan When You're Not Sure What Industry or Position.  

Your coach,  

Mary Lee 

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.  

Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Request a free consultation call.


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