When You Can't Let Go

You want to let go of that nasty, debilitating thought that gnaws at your peace, ambition and ability to show up for people you care about.


You try.


But doubt keeps weaseling itself back to the front of your mind and taking up more space every time it resurfaces.


📚 You read self-help books.


👂 You listen to podcasts.


🧐 You think about it a lot yet nothing changes.


💪You figure you’ll just work harder because that always worked before only now not only are you stuck, you’re exhausted. And people are distancing themselves from you.


😡You get hard on yourself because you can’t fix this.


😩You start to think there’s something wrong with you, that this will last forever and effect your relationships.


👀 You notice that your are giving up hope.


The truth is…


The reason none of these things are working is two fold…


  1. The thing you think you need to let go of is likely not the root of the problem.


  1. You don’t know how to interrupt the destructive thought process in real time and replace it with a personal practice that brings you back to trusting yourself.


🫶 Belief in yourself is True North.


🧭 It’s difficult to know where north is in the dark. That’s why there are compasses.


If you’re suffering with letting go of something whose time has passed, please allow a professional to guide you back onto your path. Even if it’s not me.


The longer you are stuck, the more difficult it is to enjoy the life you want and deserve.


Talk with someone who can show you how to transform the cycle of self-doubt into self-empowerment.


Success is freedom. Not more hours. 


If this resonates with you, ask yourself this: Do I have any evidence that my situation will change over the next three months? If the answer is "no," here's the link for a consultation call with me. I look forward to our conversation.


The Latest Still Space Podcast #61 Lessons from the Riviera. In this episode I share experiences, challenges and insight I gained from experiencing life from completely different cultures on the French and Italian Riviera. I share lessons on leadership I learned, wisdom I brought home with me and the clearing I discovered in this most enchanting part of the world. Let the clearing work for you too. If you are truly ready to move forward in your career and life, apply to work with Mary Lee and set up a consultation call to answer your questions so that you can get started. Go to www.MaryLeeGannon.com/Consultation

Listen wherever you listen to podcasts or here: Mary Lee’s website     Apple      Spotify

 Your coach,

Mary Lee 

P.S. Feel free to send this link to someone who could benefit from it. We are all walking down the same road in life looking for a hand to hold. Sometimes we must be the hand that reaches out.


Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAE is an executive coach and 19-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Request a consultation call.


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